Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So for the past month, the website T-Shirt Hell has been having a 10% off sale and emailing their subscribers with the regretful news that they're closing their doors. Today founder Sunshine Megatron sent out the "last" newsletter with the news that ha-ha it was a practical joke. An early April Fool's joke. It was a very clever ploy to up sales and thus save the company in this shitty economy. They fooled EVERYONE and it worked. So many people thinking it would be their last chance to get these hilariously offensive shirts ordered them like mad. Except me, cuz I'm broke and can't justify buying a $19 shirt, no matter how funny or clever it is. But I'm greatly amused. I think more businesses should try this tactic to draw more consumers in. Imagine if Circuit City is also just fucking with us? Nah...it wouldn't work with bigger corporations. But it's certainly effective for little privately owned businesses, especially with cult followings.

Anyway, haven't blogged in a couple of weeks so time for an updatey. Last week was my grandfather's retirement party. It was held at Anthony's in Malden which is one of the many Spadafora businesses strewn about the city. My grandfather had a very cushy government job for the DCMA/GE doing quality assurance for airplane parts and stuff. The party consisted of the majority of his coworkers and close family: my parents, me and my sister and my aunt, uncle and cousins. They did a roast - with hilarious visuals via PowerPoint - where they poked fun at classic "Choff" traits like his intense skill for getting away with napping at his desk, his alter ego Al Coupon (a play on Al Capone if you didn't get it) and many inside jokes that I only really ever heard reference of such as the infamous "third chair" and the term CFC which I forget what it really meant but it's more common meaning was "Can't find Choff." After 43 years with the DCMA, everyone was sad to see him go and after all the ribbing there was plenty of bittersweet moments too, and he was also presented with a beautifully framed and engraved picture of the USS Constitution which is reserved only for people who worked there for 35 or more years. It's about time my grandfather retired, but everyone in my family are workaholics. I think he's going to go stir-crazy with nothing to do at home - that is between trips (my grandparents have and always will be avid travellers).

Valentine's day was rather inconsequential. Wig and I were thinking about going for lobster since neither of us had it in a long while. But then I had a total girly moment and was having a hard time deciding what to wear and getting really frustrated. Wig almost insisted I wear a skirt cuz he loves how I look in a skirt and I almost never wear them. But I wasn't liking how any skirt/top combinations were looking, plus it was too cold for skirts and I didn't want to be too dressed up for a casual restaurant. Finally Wig surrendered and freed me from the skirt requirement and I wore my skinny jeans with a long black shirt with some beading on the hem and these new black high heels I got a Hot Topic a while back. Meanwhile we were debating about the lobster, since there's no "in between" lobster restaurants - it's either really expensive and fancy like Legal Seafood or it's a clam shack kind of place like SeaWitch, and we didn't want to spend too much but wanted to do something nice for Valentine's Day. So we decided to save lobster for the summer since it's more of a summer meal anyway and we'd go to this place in Rockport where you can sit outside and watch the sun set over the ocean while eating the freshest seafood, which would be more fitting. So instead we considered Cheesecake Factory or Outback for their "middle of the road not too casual but just casual enough" atmosphere and "special occasion" pricing and settled on Outback since we hadn't been there longer. They have an awesome new S'moretini which is vodka, Kahlua, chocolate and marshmallow flavoring with crushed graham cracker around the rim and topped with marshmallows. Damn it was strong. They also have the Bloomin' burger, which has pieces of a Bloomin' Onion on it and comes with the same dipping sauce, which is perfect since Wig hates onions so I can't order a Bloomin' Onion since it's too much for just me. So I still got to have a little bit of Bloomin'. They should make individual sized Bloomin' Onions. Then we decided to stay in and watch The Love Guru which I rented from Blockbuster Total Access. It was really funny, but that immature retarded kind of funny (which I'll always love). All the jokes were, like, cheesy middle school jokes. I'm like "Did a 12 year old write this script?" but we enjoyed it nonetheless. Then I busted out my "surprise" a red negligee I bought at Kohl's. It's hard to find sexy lingerie that fits my tig ole bitties and supports but with the help of Flav I lucked out and it went over very well and Wig and I went wild. In contrast my sister was downstairs in the living room watching TV with her boyfriend and wearing feetie pajamas LOL.

The sucky thing was I also started to come down with a cold on Saturday, which still hasn't fully gone away. One nostril is still completely stuffed up and I can't even blow it. But then it starts to run. I never understood the physics that make it possible for a nose to be both stuffy and runny at the same time. But I should be right as rain in a day or two. My colds always are somewhat extreme for a few days then gradually improve. At least I'm nowhere near as sick as I was back in September when I had that virus that left me practically comatose.

Also, Flav and I are getting into shape. I picked Wii Fit back up today and although I was rusty, I came back pretty strong. When I got weighed in at the end I was shocked to see that I was now 131 lbs and 24. something-or-other BMI and finally made it down to "Normal" on the BMI scale (I'm literally just under the line between Normal and Overweight so I just made it). Last time I weighed myself (at Christmas at my grandmother's house cuz she still has the same electronic digital scale she's had for over 20 years!) I was 135 so this is amazing since I haven't really changed any exercise habits until today and barely changed my eating habits. But Flav and I are going to walk a lot more now that it's warming up again and we're going to start doing DDR again too. What I need to do most myself is tone. I'm a little jiggly in places and I'd like to firm up. So wish us luck.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Little Humor to Start Your Day

So I'm just looking for wedding dresses in a couple different places since Pyramid Collection no longer has the awesome dress that I really wanted. And I'm looking on one website and I just had to click on this thumbnail. I'm not into the dress but I just had to wonder why she would pose in front of what appears to be a giant sculpture of a vagina:

She's also very surly looking for a bride. Maybe she's one of those Bridezillas The Learning Channel warns you about. God I hope I don't turn into a Bridezilla, but I do have 8 months to plan a wedding and doing it as cheap as possible while still looking nice, so I'm warning everyone now that things could get ugly.